So, I completely missed December with this whole blog thing...but with good reason. On December 13th 2009, Alexander Michael came into this world! After 19 hours of labor and help from an epidural 14 hours into it, I made it through and was able to finally hold my baby boy. The best part once it was over was the meal I was finally able to have. It was the best Turkey sandwich I have ever had and I ate it without ANY HEARTBURN!
The next two weeks were spent in Turlock with my parents as I needed my mother, which was a big help. We spent Christmas with my family and had fun putting Alex in his Christmas outfit. He did a lot of sleeping that day which was understandable...being that cute can take it out on a little guy like him.
Other news with our little family is that we are finally moving to San Antonio. After waiting and waiting, we have decided to move just get out there. We officially move on Feb 6th. We already have a ward and friends out there from a visit we had to the area last October. They have been such a big help in finding an apartment and the other details that come with moving.
Until next time (which will be from San Antonio!!!)
Becca, Lon, and Alex